'Building Good Foundations, Matthew 7, verse 24'
If for any reason the school is closed, parents will be notified via Email and a notice will be uploaded on our website Homepage.
In the event of heavy snowfall which could result in staff not being able to reach and open the school safely, ensuring a suitable adult: pupil ratio, please note the following:
If you have not received a notification of school closure, but there are severe weather conditions, such as snow, wind or rain, please call the school before bringing your child to Early Start Club to check that a member of staff is on site. Early start club does not start until 7.45am. No child should be left at school without their care being transferred to an appropriate member of school staff.
In the event of difficult driving conditions, we will often consider a rolling start to the morning with registers staying open longer than usual so that you can travel safely to school. Most importantly, think of your child’s safety first and do not put yourself at any unnecessary risk!
The morning bell is rung at 8:50am and at this time the children will be allowed into the school building (unless already gathered in the hall with staff). Children should not be arriving on the premises until 8:40am, especially while temperatures are low and paths and the playground are slippery and frozen. Our duty of care does not begin until school is in session and teachers need time to be able to prepare lessons before school begins. Many thanks for your cooperation.
Also, on any snowy days, please ensure your child has wellies, warm clothes, gloves, hat and a thick coat for playtimes and a dry set of trousers and socks to change into as all children will be expected to go outside if they are in school. Sadly, any child without will miss out on enjoying the snow.
I hope this helps you understand arrangements at school but please do contact the office if anything needs clarifying.
Yours sincerely
Mrs Laura Hale
Head Teacher