
Little Munden C of E (VC) Primary School

'Building Good Foundations, Matthew 7, verse 24'

Friends of Little Munden (FoLM)

FoLM 2024-2025

Christmas Fayre 2024

FoLM Autumn 2022 Update

Friends of Little Munden

Little Munden school has always been at the heart of the local community and our villages.

FoLM exists to:

  • support the work of the school in the local community
  • be ambassadors for the school
  • develop a wider awareness of the school and the learning of its pupils
  • raise funding for short and long term projects within Little Munden


Who is a Friend of Little Munden?

Anyone who cares about the school!  Parents, children, grandparents, ex-pupils, villagers – anyone who wants to work with us to make Little Munden an even better place for our children.


What does a Friend of Little Munden need to do?

As much or as little as they like!  Helping at the school, visiting a Fayre, joining a committee, organising an event for others to join in with, donating money, donating time, donating 5 minutes to talk to people they know about what a great school we have – all of these are great ways to help.


How can I find out more?

Contact our committee members via the school office or direct on


Chair : Wendy Boden 

Vice Chair : Rhonnie Boswell

Secretary : Emma Creed

Treasurer : Amanda Berry
